By: Heather Sholl
Time is the number one challenge we face when prioritizing our health.
You can’t manufacture time and your commitments to family, career and relationships should be priorities, so… what gives? Here’s a tip from our desk, where we workshop this very thing with busy people like you. First, make a list of everything you can think of on your weekly calendar and include the little time stealers too; driving, cooking, sleeping, eating. Now make a list of the things that you want to do but don’t have time for, i.e. exercise, reading. Next, print out an hourly calendar with seven days. (Google search) Now, populate your hourly calendar for the entire week, with everything you have on the first list of responsibilities, so all slots are all filled. Last, go back into the calendar where you have space and add in something you haven’t had time for. Sometimes this means sharing time with another activity. You may listen to a book while you drive or walk while you take a work call. Taking the time to chart your life may feel like yet another thing to do, but if you can make it a habit, you will find time for the things that balance your busy life and lead to more day to day happiness. If you’re “extra” like us, highlight the different categories of activities to see where you spend your time – I bet it’s not on yourself.